Jul 27, 2014



Pumpkin and creamcheese, what a great combination! Once I was in doubt worring it wouldn't go well together. My doubts were brushed away when I made amazingly awesome pumpkin cheesecake by bruno albouze whose youtube channel is so professional and instructive. I learned a lot watching his channel. Thanks so much, bruno! Since I know pumpkin and creamcheese makes something really good, I can't stop making this wonderful loaf, pumpkin and creamcheese rustic bread.

It's rustic bread, so to speak, pain de campagne. This bread has golden brown crust dusted with flour and moist, chewy crumb. With pumpkin pieces sweetened little bit by sugar and chunks of creamcheese? Tasty, yummy bread. Can't stop eating more!


from 'master baking'

yields 3 medium loaves


for autolyze

bread flour 266g
whole wheat flour 67g
water 240g

for dough

instant dried yeast 2/3tsp
water 1/2tsp
white leaven(70% hydration) 33g
salt 6g

creamcheese 15g for each loaf


1. Mix bread flour, whole wheat flour and water with wooden spoon until well combined. Leave it for about 30 minutes.
2. Mix yeast and water to dissolve the yeast. Add yeast mixture and leaven to autolyze. Knead for 1 minute.
3. Add salt to the dough and knead for 4 to 5 minutes.
4. Put the dough in a bowl and put it in a plastic bag. Proof for about 3 hours or until doubled in volume.
5. Meanwhile, cut pumkin into 1cm cube size. In an saucepan, add sugar and water(1:2 amout). Bring to a boil then add pumpkin pieces. Cook until pumpkin is well cooked. Strain and leave it to cool.
6. Divide the dough into 3 pieces. Make small batard shape. Rest on the counter for 20 minutes.
7. Roll out the dough to 0.5cm thick. Sprinkle pumpkin and creamcheese pieces. Roll the dough tightly, pinch the ends of the rolls and place it onto baking parchment. Cover with plastic wrap and proof for 1 hour or until almost doubled in size.
8. Preheat the oven to 240℃ place the pan in the oven while preheating. It will act like baking stone. Slide parchment paper onto the pan. Spray the walls of the oven with the mist. After 30seconds, spray once more. Lower the tempature to 220℃ and continue to bake. The total baking time is 30minutes.

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