Aug 11, 2014

English Muffins

English muffins are originally baked in  a skillet but I baked in the oven. Nice, regular shape and more easy to make than in a skillet.

Dusted with cornmeal, crisp on the outside, soft in the inside. English muffins are great when it's freshly made. Split in half, spread butter or place cheese. Heaven, indeed.

yields 12 muffins
bread flour 400g
sugar 4g
instant dried yeast 4g
salt 4g
butter 4g
water 280g
cornmeal for dusting
Add all ingredients in a mixing bowl, combine to make a sticky ball. Move it on the counter and knead for 7 to 8 minutes. It will be smooth and elastic. Place it in a bowl, cover with plastic and proof for 1 hour or until doubled in size.
Divide the dough into 12 pieces, make a round ball, bench rest for 15 minutes.
Make ball again, coat with cornmeal generously. Place it on a baking sheet. Cover with plastic and proof until doubled in size.
Preheat the oven to 200℃. Place a pan over proofed muffins to flatten and bake for 13 minutes.
After 10 minutes baking, remove upper pan and bake another 3 minutes until brown.

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