Aug 13, 2014

80 Percent Sourdough Rye with a Rye-flour Soaker

It's my first time to bake rye sourdough that's over 40 percent rye. I don't know how it tastes like or when proofing is done. So I just followed the book by hamelman.

The result was not that good. After 24 hours, I cut a few slices and tasted it. Dry. It was really dry like stale bread, especially outside crust.

Look at this photo closely. Inside of the slice looks more moist and outside dry. I don't know why it is. Did I bake it long? Or it is just what rye bread is? If I toast it, it will be edible. But I will not make dense rye bread anymore.

sourdough 16 hours
mixing 6 minutes (dough temperature 28℃)
bulk fermentation 30 minutes
final fermentation 60 minutes
baking with steam, 240℃ 10 minutes
without steam, 220℃ 25 minutes

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