Aug 4, 2014


It's the first time to bake pizza at home with my small oven. I found pizza dough recipe using biga from 'BREAD'. Because it's my first time to bake pizza, I can't be sure if there is more good pizza dough than this. But probably I will not change the dough recipe. This one is the best.

For topping, I chose onion, red and yellow paprika, sausage, mozzarella and Colby & Monterey Jack marble cheese. After baked in the oven for about 20 minutes, The cheese is melted perfectly. Crust is crisp and chewy. It's not like all those pizzas I tried. What's important in pizza is not the topping but dough. True, True, True. I feel it in my mouth.

from Bread by jeffrey hamelman
yields 2 pizza dough
for biga
bread flour 52g
water 31g
pinch of instant dried yeast
for final dough
bread flour 206g
water 144g
salt 4g
instant dried yeast 3g
olive oil 13g
biga 83g
For biga, mix all the ingredients until all flour is hydrated. It's stiff dough. Cover the bowl with plastic and proof until almost doubled. I added a pinch of salt which is for the final dough to slow down the proofing speed.(It's too hot thesedays.)
To make the final dough, mix all ingredients except for olive oil. Knead for 3 minutes then add olive oil and knead for 3 minutes more. It's soft and not sticky dough. Cover the bowl with plastic and proof until doubled in size.
Devide the dough into 2 pieces. Round the dough and let it sit on the counter for 20 minutes. If not using the dough right away you can place it in the oiled plastic bag and place it in refrigerator for 2 to 3 days.
When the dough is relaxed nicely, strech the dough with your hands until it reaches desired size. Place it on the floured surface and top it with whatever you like.
Bake in the nicely hot 240℃ oven for 15 to 20 minutes and don't forget to place a baking pan or baking stone in the oven while preheating.
Enjoy the best pizza you made.

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