Aug 8, 2014


Olive levain is full of rich olives. In every bite, you can taste the olive and slightly sour crumb with, of course, flavorful crust. My scoring was not great but the oven spring was immense, almost doubled in height.

Next time I bake sourdough, I will try steaming method. Because my oven is too small, I can't put 2 sheef pans in my oven to steam. By this time, I just sprayed the wall of the oven with mister. I don't think it helps the dough since lots of heat is escaping from the oven while I'm spraying. Next time it will be much better.

from 'BREAD' by jeffrey hamelman
yields 1 round loaf
for liquid-levain
bread flour 41g
water 51g
levain 8g (I used 70% hydration white levain)
for final dough
bread flour 180g
whole-wheat flour 25g
water 101g
salt 3g
liquid-levain 101g
olives, pitted and drained 62g
To make liquid-levain, combine bread flour, water and levain together, cover with plastic and let stand on the counter until bubbly.
To make the final dough, mix all ingredients except for olives. Knead for 6 minutes then add olive and combine well. Cover with plastic and let if proof for 3 to 4 hours. Fold once or twice while proofing. You should adjust proofing time since temperature and the activity of levain is different with each other.
After the dough has proofed well, make a round boll shped and place it in the banneton or something like that. I used deep saucepan covered with floured cloth. Place it in the refrigerator for 12 hours or 1 hour before you bake. It should be doubled in size.
Preheat the oven to 240℃ with a baking pan in the oven. Score the dough and bake in the oven for 30 minutes. Let it cool at least 1 hour before slicing.

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